All tagged reminder

The Tyranny Of Productivity

Have you ever listened to the way you speak, your self-talk? What are those words you keep saying that fly under your radar? If you truly heard yourself, would you change some of the language? Does what you say directly impact what you do or how you behave?

I want to consider these questions with you as we unpack an experience I find all too common.

When There Is No Margin

The 2020's brought far more than we bargained for. What started with the anticipation of a new decade, that excitement turned to worry and dread as COVID entered center-stage, suddenly flipping our collective world upside down.

Yet, here we are, seemingly on the other side of the global pandemic, and what has truly changed?

5 Lessons From The Tradition Unlike Any Other

What an incredible weekend.

The Masters, a tradition unlike any other, returned to full glory this past week with the crowds roaring, the azaleas blooming, and the stars shining. There's something about Augusta, the spring, and the world's best golfers vying for the most coveted prize that brings out inspiration, motivation, and appreciation.

CHANGE, A Series - The Experience Of Change

Change isn’t comfortable. It feels like a foreign land. It feels like we are never able to get our bearings straight. It feels like rain when wanting sunshine, heat when wanting a respite, sugar when wanting substance. It’s an uncomfortable place...

But what is it really?